How to Keep a Fly Infestation Under Control

In the summertime, flies come out in droves and are one of the most difficult pests to keep away. The warmth of summer seems to bring out the worst in the insect population, with pesky flies invading our home and spoiling the summer mood. Therefore, a fly infestation is more than just a mere nuisance.

There are thousands of species of flies and any one of them is capable of spreading disease and bacteria to living hosts. It is important for you to know the type of pest you are dealing with and how to properly protect your home from further fly infestations.

How to Keep a Fly Infestation Under Control

Common flies 

Filth Flies

These include house flies, bottle flies, soldier flies and, flesh flies. These pests lay eggs on garbage, manure, and carcasses, making it very capable for them to transfer bacteria to living hosts. Simple, short-term treatment for these pests include fly traps and baits, though they will not keep them out.

Small Flies

These include fruit flies, drain flies, phorid flies and, fungus gnats. These are usually found indoors around kitchen prep areas and drains. They prefer to feed and lay eggs on rotten food, garbage, manure and any area with an excess amount of moisture. This includes areas with high vegetation.

Biting Flies

These include cluster flies, stable flies, flesh flies and, mosquitoes. While these pests breed on animal waste and decaying organic matter, they feed off of living hosts. Producing a painful bite, these flies are capable of transferring viruses to both animals and humans.

Control tips

1. Exclusion of the Property 

Ensure that all windows and doors are sealed with screens or netting, and check for any cracks along the edges. Re-grout tiling in kitchens and bathrooms to reduce harborage and moisture. Make sure the lids of all garbage bins and dumpsters are sealed and cleaned regularly. Sometimes, flies may enter a residence through the vents. Check the filters, frames, and shafts for any cracks or openings that may allow entry.

2. Reduce Moisture

Flies enter a property to evade heat or search for food & water. Eliminating these options will greatly improve the conditions of any infestation. Have drains cleaned and emptied to reduce build-up. Re-grout tiling in kitchens and bathrooms to reduce leakage. Water plants only as needed and refrain from keeping water bowls for pets out overnight.

3. Remove the Source

Many flies feed and lay eggs on rotten food sources, so inspect cabinets, drawers, pantries and garbage bins for any food that may have rotted. These sources invite pests into the house and allow them to multiply. Remove the source from the property and sanitize the area. However, flies can also attack food left out on countertops. Throw out any infested foods and seal other products in air-tight containers.

4. Sanitize the Property

Wipe down countertops with soap and water, sweep & mop hardwood flooring, clean garbage bins & dumpsters, and wash dishes regularly. Syrup and stains on fabrics and floors attract flies as well. Drains must be emptied and cleaned to reduce build-up. For Drain Flies, it may be recommended to pour an ounce of bleach down the drains each night. This will clean the area and keep the pests away.

5. Baits and Traps

When all else fails, electronic traps and sticky traps are viable options for short-term results. However, baits can also be applied to kill off infestations, but applications must be monitored on a regular basis.


Fly Infestation Treatment Near You

There are some of the best ways to keep a fly infestation under control. But, it can often fall short of eliminating the problem or even reducing it to a manageable level. At Pegasus Pest Control, we specialize in fly treatments that will help you take back your home or business from these unwanted pests. Give us a call at 888-885-5017 today!